Studio Veneto

Saturday, October 5, 2013

I love the look of Tuscany!  Sometimes I feel I was born in the wrong century! After traveling through Italy, especially Northern Italy, I fell in love with this look.
I remember being so inspired I wanted to bring the old world into my life not just to travel to have to enjoy it. The warmth of the colors glow day and night and bring richness into my life.

Room designed by Linda McCormick all accessories provided through Studio Veneto

Thursday, October 3, 2013

I love Antique Candlestick Lamps........They take me to a time in history that all was about beauty, grace and loyality...... I often wonder who and why someone lit the candle in prayer. I just love the meaning of the Candlestick lamp.
We at Studio Veneto treasure the church candlesticks due to the beauty of their embellishments. Lighting a candle during worship probably began not as a ritual but for practical reasons. From Torchiers to table canlesticks all the way down to voltives, which we feature in our Studio.
         19th Century Iron Candlestick with Coat of Arms
Italian 16th Century Wood Gilt Candlestick

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

                              ~ Antique Tapestry Pillows ~

Designers have appreciated the beauty of Old World Tapestry Pillows to enhance couches and chairs throughout the 19th and 20th century. We, at Studio Veneto, also see the beauty and have devoted much time in preserving the Old French and Belium Tapestry Fragments which we have incorporated into pillows. We strive for an array of colors to compliment your decor. Please view our extensive custom made colletion of exquisite tapestry

In the Middle Ages tapestries, had a purely utilitarian function. They were originally designed to protect medieval rooms from damp and cold weather, to cover austere
walls of big castles, or to insulate big rooms into mor comforable quarters. Tapestries used for furninshing big stone castles, were very big in size and they required bigrooms, many workers ad high capital investments. Thus, manufacturers of this type arose in prosperous localities, usually weaving centers. By 1500, Flanders, especially Brussels and Bruges, had become the chief places of production. Due to their size and intricacy, tapestries became investments and displays of wealth and power.
~Mille Fleurs Tapestries

Belgian tapestries have existed since medieval times, crediting the country with hundred of years of experience in the fine art of weaving. European tapestries
originated in France before medieval times, though most French weavers fled to what is now known as Belgium during the Hundred Year War. Before the Jacquard
loom tapestries were hand woven and therefore became a skill that was passed down through Belgian families for centuries after the weavers arrived.
~Charli Jhonson

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

My favorite dog is the French Bulldog.......Studio Veneto's new mascot and guard dog "Tilly"
She is so sweet and very small.......very loving...........
The French Bulldog is a small breed of domestic dog. "Frenchies" were bred in the 1800s by lace makers first in England then inFrance when displaced by the Industrial Revolution.

Frenchies are playful and affectionate. Their loyal, loving nature makes them a wonderful companion dog. French Bulldogs are an intelligent breed, however their willful, stubborn nature can make them more challenging to train. They require patience, repetition and early socialization.


French Bulldog circa 1890

European Brindle French Bulldog
The origin of the modern French Bulldog breed descends directly from the dogs of theMolossians, an ancient Greek tribe. The dogs were spread throughout the ancient world byPhoenician traders. British Molossian dogs were developed into the Mastiff. A sub-family of the Mastiff were the Bullenbeisser, a type of dog used for bull-baiting.[3]
Blood sports such as bull-baiting were outlawed in England in 1835, leaving these "Bulldogs" unemployed. However, they had been bred for non-sporting reasons since at least 1800, and so their use changed from a sporting breed to a companion breed. To reduce their size, some Bulldogs were crossed with terriers, while others were crossed with pugs. By 1850 the Toy Bulldog had become common in England, and appeared in conformation shows when they began around 1860.[4] These dogs weighed around 16–25 pounds (7.3–11 kg), although classes were also available at dog shows for those that weighed under 12 pounds (5.4 kg)
At the same time, lace workers from Nottingham, displaced by the industrial revolution, began to settle in Normandy, France] They brought a variety of dogs with them, including miniature Bulldogs. The dogs became popular in France and a trade in imported small Bulldogs was created, with breeders in England sending over Bulldogs that they considered to be too small, or with faults such as ears that stood up. By 1860, there were few miniature Bulldogs left in England, such was their popularity in France and due to the exploits of specialist dog exporters
The small Bulldog type gradually became thought of as a breed, and received a name, the Bouledogue Francais. This Francization of the English name is also a contraction of the words "boule" (ball) and "dogue" (mastiff or molosser). The dogs were highly fashionable and were sought after by society ladies and Parisian prostitutes alike, as well as creatives such as artists, writers and fashion designers.However, records were not kept of the breed's development as it diverged further away from its original Bulldog roots. As it changed, terrier and Pug stock may have been brought in to develop traits such as the breed's long straight ears, and the roundness of their eyes.

Breed clubs and modern recognition

Bulldogs were very popular in the past, especially in Western Europe. One of its ancestors were the English bulldog. Americans had been importing French Bulldogs for a while, but it was not until 1885 when they were brought over in order to set up an American-based breeding program. They were mostly owned by society ladies, who first displayed them at the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in 1896. They arrived again in the following year with even more entries, where the judging of the breed would go on to have future ramifications. The judge in question at the dog show, a Mr. Sven Feltstein, only chose winners with "rose ears" – ears that folded at the tip, as with the standard for English Bulldogs. The ladies formed the French Bull Dog Club of America and created the breed standardwhich stated for the first time that the "erect bat ear" was the correct type. In the early 20th century they remained in vogue for high society, with dogs changing hands for up to $3,000 and being owned by members of influential families such as the Rockefellers and theJ. P. Morgans. The American Kennel Club recognised the breed quickly after the breed club was formed, and by 1906 the French Bulldog was the fifth most popular dog breed in America.
This new Bulldog breed arrived for the first time in England in 1893, with English Bulldog breeds in uproar as the French imports did not meet the new breed standards in place by this time and wanted to prevent the English stock from cross-breeding with the French. The Kennel Club initially recognised them as a subset of the existing English Bulldog breed rather than an entirely new breed. Some English breeders in this period bred the French Bulldogs in order to resurrect the Toy Bulldog breed. On 10 July 1902, at the house of Frederick W. Cousens, a meeting was held to set up a breed club in order to seek individual recognition for the French breed. The adopted breed standard was the same one which was already in use in America, France, Germany and Austria. Despite opposition from Miniature Bulldog (the new breed name for the Toy Bulldog) and Bulldog breeders,[9]in 1905, the Kennel Club changed its policy on the breed and recognised them separate from the English variety, initially as the Bouledogue Francais, then later in 1912 the name changed to French Bulldog. ~Wikipedia~

Saturday, September 28, 2013

Studio Veneto is where to find all of your Old World Decor.......

Old World is my core.............Studio Veneto is a taste of Italy in the sunny seaside village of La Jolla, California. Upon entering you may think you have wandered into an elegant shop in Venice. 

We specializes in custom lampshades fabricated in the unique Old World manner. We are proud to present an exceptional  selection of    parchment, silk velvetleather and Fortuny fabric shades .

We also specialize in charming Old World Style pillows. Aubusson, Flemish tapestry, embroidered leather, and Fortuny pillows to compliment and  beautify your home.

For any questions,  please feel free to visit my website and let me know what you think.......Thanks, Linda             

Friday, September 27, 2013

 Old World is my Core...........Old World Design is warm, romantic and charming. Our homes can come alive with Old World decor. The richness it brings sets a mood for beauty within us and around us......come visit my shop..........Linda McCormick owner of Studio Veneto ~